Eric Rogers, Ph.D. is an avid reader and writer. He has written several books over the years inclusive of but not limited to Race, Education, Religion, Relationships and most recently How To Live Your Life's Dreams and Purpose.

From Harvard to Heaven:
How To Live Your Life's Dreams and Purpose-A Guide To A 6-7 figure income and living large.
“Life is the cruelest teacher. She offers you’re the exam first, then the lesson. “
I am a thoroughbred. I was born and raised in the majestic hills of Western Kentucky, 45 miles north of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. Raised in tradition and nurtured with pride, my maternal grandfather, the late Randolph “Jack” King, Senior (1892-1974), was my godly role model, mentor, and shining example of strength, character and class. My father, the late Dallas Minor Rogers, Sr., (1915-1977), my role model, best friend, confident and encourager, took the time, effort and initiative to ensure I grew up strong, focused and prepared. And it was Jack King, Jr, my maternal uncle and maternal grandfather’s only son, who was the man of quiet strength, solid inner security and defined maturity who impressed upon be the intrinsic character traits of confidence, conviction and courage. These men chose to convey to me values and principles all of which have long left their far-reaching and indelible impressions.
I am a thoroughbred. With faith and conviction and the beforementioned character traits instilled in me, I was easily the apple of their respective eyes. I spent my days of youth shadowing these men and learning of ancient stories of valor and victory, civil rights courage in the face of doubt and dignity in the times of crises . They showered me with accountability, responsibility and reflections of wisdom. By precept and example, I envied them. I wanted to be a reflection of them. Poised and spiritually pregnant with promises and possibilities, I dreamed and dared to be a reflection of grace, class, character and conviction. In time, I became a force to be reckoned with.
I am a thoroughbred. I am a member of a royal and esteemed world of majestic and mighty class statue and stamina. With a multimillion dollar price tag, a prestigious lineage, legacy of prominence and well defined principles, power and poise, a thoroughbred is unquestionably the horse of among horses. In the land of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the alleged home of “ fast horses, wild women and good whiskey”, these horses are prepared, primed and positioned to run in three major races of pre-eminent reputation and quality: 1) The Kentucky Derby; (2) The Preakness and (3) the Belmont Stakes. The victor of all three (the so called triple crown winner) is ultimately retired by age 3 to a life of luxury, lust and leisure enmeshed with historic glory and ageless fame. What is even more fascinating is that these horses are an outstanding stock of wealth and wonder and are viewed and valued distinctively and definitively. For one easily understands that a jackass can’t run in a thoroughbred race! I said I choose to be a thoroughbred and not a jackass about anything.

Save My Black Son
A sociopolitical analysis and critical commentary regarding the state of raising and developing minority males in American society. Eric Rogers, Ph.D., Professor, Educator, Life Coach and Author, offers a honest, brutal, raw and direct confrontation against traditional thought with realities, reflections and responsibilities that provide both insight and inspiration for change.