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From Harvard To Heaven



   ( A 6-7 figure  income success guide to how to live your life's dreams and  purpose.)


     From his humble beginnings, small town conservative roots, to Harvard glory and

     rise to professional success, Eric Rogers, Ph.D., Professor, Life Coach, Radio Host, 
     World Traveler, Teaching Artist and Author,  offers a candid and authentic look into

     how to live you life’s dreams and purpose.


               “The rich make profits and progress.  The rest of us make excuses.”


   It's what you don't know that is hindering you. It's what you don't do that is hurting you.”

       “People either make you rich or they make you poor. In order to have more, you have to learn more.”



               “You have to make life choices or life will make choices for you.”


The wait is over.  Wealth and life success secrets are here! Thrilling and enlightening, informative, and inspiring.



 Practical, personal and professionally on point for the basic reader.


MY BOOK-Amazon.Com  April 2015
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